Column formwork VARIMAX
The system is broadly applicable for projects where large numbers of square and rectangular columns, with variable cross-sections, are to be formed cost-effectively and quickly. For column forming versatile panels of the VARIMAX system are used. Using the versatile panels 90 cm width a column cross-section up to 75 x 75 cm in a 5 cm grid can be formed, with use of 135 panel a column cross-section up to 120 x 120 in a 5 cm grid can be formed. Height extension can be accomplished by means of vertical stacking.
Heavy-duty formwork:
- 80 kN/m2 pressure of fresh concrete;
- High quality film faced plywood with thickness of 21 mm. Film weight 240 g/m2.
Easy to use:
- Having only 2 standard panel widths provides much easier planning and forming;
- All the connectors and accessories are easily fixed into the slots and quickly tighten, consequently forming time is efficient and maximized;
- Any column cross-section up to 120x120 cm in a 5 cm grid can be easily assembled.
- Maximum utilization is obtained from the formwork by using versatile panels for columns, corners, stop-ends and wall junctions;
- Installation of pre-assembled units minimizes use of a crane;
- For a column forming only 2 pre-assembled units are used, meaning that forming and stripping time is optimized;
- High number of use cycles means lower follow-up expenses;
- Reduction of expenses by means of restoration and cleaning possibilities;
- Galvanized or powder-coated steel frames, for long service life;
- High quality of concrete surface minimizes finishing work.
Safe use:
- Accessories such as — wall brackets, lifting hooks, supporting struts etc. make for save and easier handling of the system.
Соединительные элементы
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Типы углов
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitat.